Night Dream Meaning

The dream interpretation believes that the night seen in a dream symbolizes the feminine beginning, sacrament and magic. When interpreting what this mysterious time of day in a dream, other aspects should be taken into account. For example, the eve of a new day, change and new beginnings. It is no accident that in ancient myths and legends the creation of the world was preceded by darkness and chaos. This is a time of hope and secret desires, love and romance.
Often in the interpretations the successful completion of old affairs and well-deserved rest appears. At the same time, darkness is often associated with uncertainty, and sometimes hopelessness. This is the eternal symbol of the struggle between good and evil.
A bright moon, a starry sky or an approaching dawn indicate that the dreamer is on the right track or is about to find the way to his goal.
If you happen to see night in a dream, pay attention to its features. How do you remember it: hopeless and frightening or inspiring and a little exciting? It is with this clue that the interpretation of the dream begins.
In the case when you had a dream about a night full of moonlight, you can safely assume that this is a good sign. New knowledge will be revealed to the sleeping man, answers and right decisions will be found by themselves.
Dreams of walking at night in a dream, in reality, can turn into serious trials for the dreamer, warns the dream book of Juno. Most likely, one of the business partners will decide to test your strength.

If you happened to swim at night in a dream, Modern Dream Book reminds you that non-standard solutions not only lead to stunning results, but also differ in an increased degree of risk.
The one who dared to swim at night in a dream is capable of decisive action in reality as well, - says the dream book. Conventionalities such as relevance or public opinion will not stop the dreamer from reaching the goal.
When you happen to travel by car at night, the dream book focuses on the fact that the sleeper devotes too much time to vanity and everyday worries and only sometimes he manages to find a moment to think about the main thing, which is really dear to him.
According to Velesov's dream book, those who have to be frustrated and disappointed in reality, happen to walk home at night in a dream. Be prepared for the fact that the expended energy and resources can be in vain.
The Female dream book believes that if in a dream you happened to walk on the road at night, it is better not to start anything new in the near future. Now is not the most favorable period for undertakings, they will either end in nothing, or the result will deceive your expectations.
If you happen to run away at night, the dream book warns that you will be able to achieve the goal in reality at a big price: you will feel a complete decline in emotional strength by the finish. Be that as it may, the dream promises great success.

When you have to fly at night in a dream, in the dark, it is quite possible that in reality you often have to act at random. In particular, this definition refers to personal life.
Explaining the meaning of forest at night, the dream book draws attention to what the forest means for you: a refuge or a place that inspires fear. It is possible that someone close to you will cause a lot of trouble and unrest.
Interpreting why the rain was seen at night, cold, long and boring, the dream book seemed to be asking the dreamer if his life was too monotonous and reminiscent of a gray overcast shower.
If you dreamed of the Sun at night, Vanga’s dream book advises to undertake the most responsible tasks without hesitation: you will be lucky in any undertakings. The current non-standard situation will turn in your favor; the main thing is not to miss the opportunity.
As for a dream about the sea at night, it should be understood almost literally: the upcoming romantic adventure. An unforgettable evening and a sea of ​​love await the dreamer.
A rainbow at night is a very promising dream – it means that you will soon receive support or wise advice, which will be very helpful. Do not rush to refuse the offered help and take advice.
Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn encourages that a sudden knock on the window at night should scare you. A dream means that it is time for new knowledge and discoveries that are already trying to reach you.
The dream of the first wedding night marks a big change. The dreamer is on the eve of events that can safely be called epoch-making. At the same time, we can only guess as to the nature of future changes.
A dream of cemetery at night is connected with the cooling in the relationship to be experienced. As a rule, in such cases, a certain action takes place in the cemetery, the details of which will help interpret the dream.
According to Miller's dream book, the night, symbolizing gloom and hopelessness in a dream, also predicts difficulties in business. If the dark time of the day is already running out, this means that in real life the problems and troubles will be left behind soon. The dreamer expects a favorable outcome; the situation will change for the better.
The dark night in dreams is connected with difficulties, misunderstanding, hopelessness. Seen in a dream warns of danger, which can be avoided by composure and common sense.