Orgy Dream Meaning

A person can see anything in a dream! Dreams can be calm and peaceful, bringing relaxation and tranquillity, but sometimes our dreams abound with such plots that you even wonder why it is seen in a dream and for what reason. The category of “crazy dreams” includes a vision in which you dreamed of an orgy. Dream Interpretations will explain what to expect afterwards, the main thing is not to forget about the details.
- What is the meaning of orgy seen in a dream? If you do not want to waste time deciphering the meaning of your "subconscious images", use brief interpretations - they will explain what dreams about orgies symbolize in several words.
- To dream of a lot of people having sex - means instability in front of sins.
- A drunken revel in a dream is a symbol of a headache in reality.
- If you dreamed of men and women after a general intercourse - you are haunted by some fears.
- To participate in an orgy in a dream - you are wasting your potential.
- If you happened to direct the bacchanalia - you strive to neglect the norms of behavior.
- Touching other people's genitals during an orgy means the beginning of feud with someone.

Gustav Miller, by virtue of his profession, was not a snob, but on the pages of his dream book about an orgy in a dream you can find only a couple of lines. So, if in a dream you see an orgy from afar, as if observing people raving about sex, this means that you need to learn to refrain from abusive and ill-treatment of others.
And if you dreamed that you yourself were a member of an orgy, this means you should take care of your reputation, since the vision means slander and gossip spread by schemers about you.
Orgies can be different, despite the general essence - doing something sinful in the presence of a large number of viewers and participants. The most exciting our minds is the dream of a sexual orgy.
For example, the dream book Denise Lynn describes a sexual orgy you are a member of the following way: you are striving to stand out from the crowd, sometimes even resorting to extreme measures - violation and neglect of generally accepted norms of ethics and morality.
And the Modern Dream Book, along with the Dream Book of the White Magician, gives such interpretation: you have not set any specific tasks for yourself, so you are wasting your energy.

What is the spiritual meaning of gluttony in a dream? Did you happen to watch in a dream how someone greedily absorbed fatty high-calorie food, washed down with alcohol, and did it without measure? The interpretation of such dream is not too comforting: some unfamiliar but impudent person will cause you insults soon, and he will do this in front of a large crowd of people.
In a dream did you overeat and drank without measure? The Eastern interpreter predicts that you will have a surge of energy that will bring you a lot of trouble. Especially this should be feared if you had a good and fun time in a dream.