
Swallow Nest Superstitions: Signs & Meanings

Everyone knows that if swallows have built a nest in one’s house, the signs promise “God’s grace,” protection from fires, and happy changes in life. Popular wisdom recommends taking care of these birds and not interfering with the winged builders, even if their “creation” and living cause much trouble.

You should know that you will not manage to feed swallows like tits or pigeons - these birds feed only on “live food”. But a lot of trouble awaits the destroyer of a caring bird’s nest.

What do swallows that build a nest mean?

To understand the origin and meaning of signs about swallows, it is worth studying the opinions of people of different faiths about these birds.

Christians consider this bird a symbol of resurrection (these birds stole nails from Roman soldiers and pulled out thorns from the crown of thorns that tormented Christ during the crucifixion).

The pagan Slavs considered a swallow to be a keeper of the keys to Spring, although they were afraid of it for its ability to be transported from Yav (dreams) to Nav (the world of the dead) and back.

Muslims hear the sacred words of the Koran in the singing of white-breasted birds.

The ancient Greeks allowed swallows to build nests even in temples.

Only the Irish, for some unknown reason, consider these birds to be the product of evil spirits.

According to signs, a swallow’s nest next to human habitation is “God’s blessing.” The bird does not give this honor to everyone. Depending on the location of the feathered guest’s nest, the sign takes on a different shade.

Swallow’s nest near the house

    The construction of nests by swallows in the yard, under the roof of a house or outbuildings is considered a good omen among most peoples:
  • The Slavs believe that this species of bird chooses only a tidy yard for settlement.
  • The Germans are sure that these birds will never settle next to unlucky, careless people. And the good nests of swallows correspond to the mentality of the Germans with their love of thoroughness, hard work, and pedantry.

If before the swallows settled, the family was going through a difficult period, then the reappearance of a swallow’s nest is an omen of good changes (hardships are over, happy, calm times have come).

    If swallows have settled near your house, this is good, because you have a chance to experience the impact of positive signs about these birds:
  • According to signs, if two people who love each other see a couple of swallows together, a wedding is inevitable!
  • Beliefs say that if swallows hover over the bride and groom on their wedding day, the married life of the newlyweds promises to be happy and “cloudless.”
  • If a swallow knocks on the window, signs predict receiving good news from a person with whom communication has long been lost.
  • Having heard the singing of these birds outside the window, you need to wash your face with milk - this unique ritual of cleansing from sins, at the same time, will help make your skin soft and clean, and your health strong.
  • According to signs, when you see the first swallow in the spring, you need to throw a handful of earth to the bird to build a nest - this attracts abundance to the house.

Swallow’s nest on the house

If a swallow builds a nest under the roof of a house, this sign indicates that decent, kind, morally stable people live here.

    If caring birds have built their nest above the window, the sign should be interpreted taking into account who lives in the house:
  • An unmarried girl - a swallow's house on the window, according to folk signs, portends a coming marriage, you can wait for matchmakers, and then prepare for the wedding.
  • For a young married couple the signs predict an addition to the family, the woman will soon become pregnant or is already “carrying” a child under her heart.
  • A family with children - signs foretell the fulfillment of cherished desires, the implementation of the plans of one of the residents. Perhaps it's time for the final push towards your goal. Perhaps the implementation of plans will open up new prospects.
  • Elderly people - a bird's building is a good sign of a future calm, not poor old age, surrounded by the care of relatives and friends.

Swallows will protect the house from misfortunes, thieves and bandits. If something happens, they will take revenge on the offenders or warn about their appearance. They will scream so much that dark personalities will start to have severe headaches.

Swallow's Nest is a talisman for the home. If it is present, people living in the house should not be afraid of any natural disasters (fires, storms, lightning strikes). This sign appeared as a result of multiple cases of swallows disappearing from houses several days before the fire.

You can also make predictions about the weather based on the location of the bird’s house. Sign: if the swallows chose the south side of the house, this means the summer will be cold.

Swallows building a nest inside the building

It happens that birds enter the house and build a nest indoors. This is also a good omen, in contrast to a simple bird flying into the room, which portends a big disaster.

Swallows building a nest in the entrance - signs portend good changes, and increased well-being, it is a sign that the house is clean, warm, and cozy.

    It is advisable not to disturb the winged builders; they will thank the owners with faithful service:
  • People will enjoy the opportunity to observe their care for their offspring.
  • The birds will destroy all insects.
  • They will give a sign if a person with malicious intent enters the room. When an ill-wisher appears, the birds will begin to make noise and fly restlessly, in and out of the nest.

It is better to sacrifice some of your comforts and let the birds build a nest and raise their chicks where they want. Whoever destroys the nest will be in big trouble.

Swallow has a nest on the balcony

Among birds there is a special population that is well adapted to living together with people, called “city swallows”. It’s not surprising if they made a nest on the balcony.

    Here is what such a neighborhood predicts for residents, according to signs:
  • a coming wedding;
  • successful business development;
  • a successful turn of events at an unexpected moment.

So, a reasonable person will only be happy if a messenger of the forces of light makes a nest on his loggia.

Swallow’s nest on outbuildings, in a barn

If the birds don’t like the house, but their nest appears in the garage or barn, don’t be sad - luck will not pass you by!

    A nest in the garage prophesies to the owner of the car:
  • an easy road without accidents or serious breakdowns.
  • lack of interest on the part of traffic cops
  • impeccable condition of the car
  • easy profit if the garage owner is a taxi driver
  • a good deal when selling a car

A bird's house under the roof of a cellar is a sign that promises a well-fed year, increased wealth, and full coffers (there will be enough pickles and jam for the whole winter).

Can you touch the swallow’s nest?

According to superstitions, it is better not to approach the nest made by the swallow. You can look at it if the birds have left the house. But returning a chick to its nest if it has fallen is a good thing.

Signs warn: if you accidentally hit a swallow’s nest and it collapses, the birds leave it - the culprit will face material problems and illnesses.

If a swallow has built a nest, it is, to put it mildly, unwise to drive it away.

    Signs predict many different troubles:
  • Freckles will appear;
  • One shouldn’t wait for a good harvest;
  • A farmer who offends a bird will receive a bad harvest of milk;
  • The fire will destroy the most important outbuilding;
  • There will be a streak of financial failures;
  • If the ruined nest contained chicks, the omen predicts a tragedy: the destroyer’s children will face a serious illness;
  • Another bad omen: a woman who steps on the shell of a swallow's nest will lose the ability to have children.

What to do with an abandoned swallow’s nest?

If you have ever heard about the delicacy “swallow’s nest”, please take into account that these are completely different “products”. Ordinary swallows use clay, feathers, hay, twigs to build houses; they line the bottom with down - it is simply unrealistic to prepare such an inedible “set of components”.

This exotic dish is prepared from the nests of birds living in one of the Chinese provinces - these swallows make their houses from saliva. Climbers hunt for such “buildings”, then skilled Chinese chefs turn them into a delicacy. According to signs, this food restores health, male potency, and restores youth, but it cannot be called tasty.

A fallen swallow's nest is a harbinger of a fire. It's better not to touch the bird's house.

If swallows leave the nest, this is a very bad omen. It doesn’t even matter when the swallows disappeared: after the construction was completed, or without finishing it. Either way, something bad is coming. If sensitive birds don’t like something in the energy of their home, this is not good.

If the swallows left the nest because they raised chicks and flew to warmer climes, you should not clean the bird house. Signs say that birds can return there again to breed again. And the time of good luck will come for you again. If you take a pebble from an “organizedly abandoned” nest without destroying the bird’s house, this is a good omen. Carry the talisman with you - it will bring good luck.

Sergii Haranenko

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