Flying Fish Dream Meaning

The dream interpretation states that flying fish is a symbol of good luck, a successful course of affairs, favorable circumstances, resolution of difficulties. But sometimes the plot in a dream warns about the oversight or separation of the sleeper from reality.
The dreamed image promises great luck, something unexpected, unusual, that will happen very soon.
If you saw a dream about big fish jumping out of the sea and flying over the water surface, this is a symbol of great success when implementing your idea. If flying fish were seen by businessmen, they will soon receive a profitable offer that will prove more advantageous than they expected.
Did you dream that a living fish splashes in a pond and occasionally flies over it? There comes a favorable period for the implementation of your plans.
If you became the owner of a fish that was demonstrating its flights all the time, this plot means you will be the master of your aspirations and opportunities: you will be able to realize even the most cherished dreams.

There is another interpretation of the dream of flying fish: a vision heralds spiritual growth, the discovery of new horizons. Such a plot, according to the dream book, pushes towards the realization and acceptance of new information, making certain conclusions, the revision of one's views.
If the flying fish were floating in the sky like birds, this is a definite warning: the dreamer is too keen on his fantasies, soaring in the clouds. You need to pay more attention to real problems.
If you were trying to catch a flying fish but it slipped from your hands all the time, this means that you will lose your chance because of your mistake or irresponsibility.
If a young girl saw a dream about flying fish, she can be expecting a marriage proposal. If a married woman saw such plot, this is a promise of long-awaited pregnancy. If the woman is already pregnant, this dream promises easy labor and a healthy baby.
You can find out what other dreams predict pregnancy here.
As for an older lady-dreamer, these unusual fish in a dream promise a successful resolution of her own difficulties or problems with children (grandchildren), whom she is very worried about.